Whether you got your first taste of a fine cigar from a generous best man at a wedding or had a puff while touring Central America or the Caribbean, becoming a cigar aficionado is a bit like falling in love. You may be skeptical at first, but once you take the leap, you’re probably in for keeps.
Once you start collecting cigars, though, you need a place to store them — and a simple Tupperware container isn’t enough. Like any fine wine or antique, good cigars require just-right conditions to stay properly maintained over time. Cigars will whither and dry up if you don’t give them the care and attention they need. Just as you need to do some work to maintain a relationship after the initial infatuation period, so too must you take the time to make sure your cigars are properly stored if you expect them to last for an extended period.
For novice cigar collectors, taking into account all the conditions required for proper cigar storage can feel overwhelming. Long-time cigar aficionados have strong opinions on the subject, and they don’t always agree. While there’s plenty of room to learn all the fine details about different cigars as you advance in your hobby, right now you need a guide for storing cigars that takes the mystery out of the process.
Here you go: your guide to storing cigars when you’re just getting started.